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Project 2020
Construction of a school building and perimeter wall for Rastrya School, Piladi municipality

Piladi is a small rural village of a few hundred inhabitants and is very undeveloped. It is not located in a tourist area and cannot benefit from the financial support provided by the trekking that is legion in other regions.

This village is home to the local school. Built in 1950, it has undergone several improvements over the years. Today it welcomes 363 pupils from the infant to secondary levels from many neighbouring villages, some of them have to sleep there because their houses are too far away to return there every day on foot.

Today, these infrastructures no longer allow for satisfactory teaching and substantial work is indispensable. It would be necessary to construct new buildings and facilities to enable the pupils to complete their schooling and thus offer them better chances for their future.

The official documents presented in the appendix to this dossier have been provided to us by the school of Rastriya Bagaurachaur and by the municipality of Gurans. They describe respectively the current situation of the school and the requests for official support.

The original documents are in Nepalese, an English translation was made in Nepal by a notary and an unofficial translation into French was made by a member of the association.

The cost of this work amounts to CHF 120'653.00 for the construction of a 4 class building on 2 floors and a surrounding wall. The restoration of the multi-purpose site (recreation, sport, various events) is not yet calculated.

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Le projet en quelques chiffres

  • 1 bâtiment scolaire de 4 classes

  • 1 mur d'enceinte

  • CHF 113'283.-

  • Début du projet, décembre 2019

  • Fin du projet, novembre 2021

Documents à télécharger

  • Etude du projet ici

  • Rapport de la direction de l'école ici

  • Rapport photos ici

  • Rapport final ici

Situation initiale


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