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Project 2020 Construction of toilets and showers in Yamgaon

Yamgaon is a small Himalayan village located in the Gorkha district, it is 75 km northwest of Kathmandu as the crow flies and about ten hours by road by 4x4.

Located at 1900m altitude, the climate is pleasant with temperatures oscillating between 0°C and 30°C. However, the months of June to September are particularly rainy due to the monsoon, during this period it is common for heavy rainfall to cause landslides and isolate the village. Approximately 400 inhabitants live here all year round, mainly farmers who make a living from their crops and a few craftsmen who participate in the development of the village. A particularity of the village is the cultivation of cardamom, a famous spice in Indian cuisine.


The sanitary situation, although improved in recent years, remains precarious. In these remote areas, it is not customary for every house to have toilets and showers. The inhabitants use a few rare communal latrines and make their toilets in public fountains. On the other hand, many villagers defecate directly in the wild near their homes, which creates a serious health risk. The excreta, a reservoir for microbes, is within the reach of adults and children, animals and insects, and contaminates the waterways. This ingestion or contact with water polluted by excreta causes water-borne diseases (such as diarrhoea), in the most severe cases it can be fatal.

Lack of sanitation also has a detrimental effect on the schooling of children, especially girls who, at puberty, leave school because their dignity is no longer assured.


The project plans to build 2 units of toilets and showers and 2 units of WCs for a total amount of
CHF 20'000 in strategic points of the village. These toilets will be at the disposal of the inhabitants, who will also be responsible for cleaning and maintenance. They complement a few other WCs already in use.



Novembre 2019

Initialisation du projet qui sera bloqué en raison du COVIID jusqu'à l'automne 2020


Janvier 2021

2 unités de WC ont été réalisées à l'automne 2020, le projet a été mis à l'arrêt pour l'hiver les constructions reprendront dès le printemps

Avril 2021

Les travaux ont maintenant repris, il reste environ 1 mois de travail pour terminer l'ensemble des constructions.

Stéphanie, membre du comité à pu visiter le village début avril et constater que le projet correspond à nos attentes.

Mai 2021

La situation est compliquée au Népal, plusieurs habitants des villages voisins ont été testés positif au COVID, de plus la mousson arrive maintenant se qui ralentit considérablement les travaux. Nous espérons toutefois que les finitions puissent se réaliser prochainement.

Juillet 2021

Après plusieurs mois de dure labeur Les constructions sont quasiment terminées, il ne reste que quelques détails à finaliser pour boucler notre projet. 

Septembre 2021

Le projet est maintenant terminé avec le paiement du solde du projet

WC Yamgaon.jpg

Le fim du projet

The project in a few figures:

  • 2 WC & Toilet units

  • 2 units Toilet

  • CHF 20,000.

Download the complete project study 


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